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Stellar Photography for Stellar Brands

Give Your Business a Way to Visually Connect with Customers

Brands have always existed to connect with their customers. We understand that it is not about the image or video, it is a message that resonates with your audience, a message that connects with them.

Pulsar Studios, Commercial Photography and Videography Services in Nairobi

Discover Creativity

Our creative agency gives us the requisite design background to understand your production requirements. This service targets commercial operations, especially design or creative departments, marketing agencies as well as in-house marketing departments that require photography & videography services to complement their design work. We seek to enhance marketing communication visually and connect with your potential audience.

Discover Variety

Pulsar Studios offers a variety of services including the below:

  • Production of commercials for traditional media such as print (press adverts for newspapers, magazines, billboards, company profiles and more) and TV.
  • Production of commercials for modern digital media including social media channels such as YouTube, your website and more.
  • Short form video profiles and promotional videos that can be used across platforms.
Pulsar Studios, Commercial Photography and Videography Services in Nairobi